By careful planning or simply by luck, many Old English Sheepdogs are wonderful companions. Almost all of my OESs have been fun loving dogs that adore both family and strangers and they've come from varied backgrounds- rescue, the casual breeder and top show breeders. I fell in love with this breed almost 25 years ago when we picked up an OES-mix puppy from an ad in the newspaper. When she passed at age 11, we purchased our first purebred OESs from a casual breeder. Not long after, we adopted our first special OES. It's the special ones that teach us about compassion and can sometimes amaze us with their abilities.
What I've learned with blind or deaf from birth Old English Sheepdogs is that we can view a flaw as a defect and it may become a disability. Or... we can view it as a deficit and allow the individual dog to show us what they can do. Many times, blind from birth OESs require no pity... they are very capable of doing typical dog things with love and training. They are dogs first and foremost... next, they are their breed, their genetic temperament and life's experiences... finally, one of their characteristics is their deficit or difference.
I will be compiling some information over this next year that I've learned over the years from my OESs. It's a companion OES owner's perspective. I can share just one person's experience in living with deaf, blind or otherwise special OESs. Some info is vital information on how to manage all that hair, some is informative and some is just for fun.
I hope you'll find something here that will both strengthen your bond and enrich your life with your uniquely special Old English Sheepdog.